Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
- Upon receipt of a booking payment the celebrant will secure the date and time as stated on booking form and consider this as deemed to be acceptance of the persons named on the booking form as acceptance of the terms contained in these conditions.
- There shall be a 14 day cooling off period post payment being received during which the celebrant will not commence any work. After this point the payment is non-refundable excepting a failure to present or arrange suitable cover (point 8 below). If, due a short timescale between appointment and the ceremony itself or at the request of the couple/ family, it is agreed that the celebrant will commence work within this 14 day period, including sending any materials such as planning questionnaires, then the cooling off period will no longer apply and any monies received will be considered non-refundable from the point of receipt.
- The remainder of the agreed fee must be received in full and in cleared funds by the celebrant at least one month before the ceremony. In the absence of full, cleared payment the ceremony will not be delivered on the date. It is the responsibility of the person(s) named on the booking form to ensure payment is sent in sufficient time.
- Weddings only: The fee can, on request, include the celebrant’s attendance at a rehearsal before the ceremony at a mutually agreed date and time.
- The celebrant will not book another ceremony on the originally agreed date without prior agreement of the persons named on the booking form.
- In the event of the ceremony being cancelled or postponed the booking payment will be retained by the celebrant but may be used against an alternative, later date, subject to agreement with the celebrant.
- Should the ceremony go ahead but the services of the celebrant are no longer required, providing that this is outside of the 14 day cooling off period, any payment received by the celebrant is classed as non-refundable and will not be repaid.
- The celebrant undertakes to make her best endeavours to conduct the ceremony on the date and at the time stated at booking. If delayed by circumstances beyond her control (including but not limited to severe illness, accident etc.) this will not constitute a breach of contract. In such an event the celebrant shall give notice to the couple/ family as soon as is practicable and make every effort to provide an alternative celebrant to conduct the ceremony from the same script. Should an alternative celebrant not be found, failure to appear shall give the couple/ family the right to annul the contract. If this is prior to production and sharing of a final version of the script then all monies so far paid by them to the celebrant will be refundable to them. If a final, useable version of the script has been shared then the initial payment may be retained by the Celebrant and permission is granted for use of the script by another party. No further or additional compensation will be payable.
- The persons named on the booking form shall be responsible for the insurance of their goods and property and for the insurance of any goods or property provided by the persons named on the booking form for use by a celebrant. The celebrant shall not be liable for any loss or damage of such goods.
- The celebrant does not take responsibility for the provision of any music and or PA equipment for the ceremonies, it is for those named on the booking form to ensure that these are provided and that the equipment is of a standard suitable for the ceremony.
- Weddings only: The persons named on the booking form shall take responsibility to arrange Wedding Insurance and accept that if they don’t, in the event that the wedding has to be cancelled or postponed for reasons beyond their control (e.g. due to being let down by a venue) this does not render the celebrant liable to reimburse any payments received. Upon request, an invoice can be supplied by the celebrant for the couple to provide to Insurers.
- The persons named on the booking form consent to the celebrant holding and processing data in line with the recognised data protection principles.
- The persons named on the booking form consent to any photographs to be used by the celebrant on her website and marketing unless prior agreement is made to the contrary within the ceremony planning questionnaire or meeting.
- In making a booking, the persons named on the booking form and their family acknowledge that the copyright and all other intellectual property in respect of the ceremony and all documentation or other materials used in or relating to the ceremony belongs to the celebrant. Any use of material created by the celebrant by another party shall constitute a breach of this clause.
- Weddings only: it is the responsibility of the couple to arrange their own legal marriage ceremony, should this be something they wish to do. Any discussions with the celebrant on this matter will be purely on an advisory basis. It is confirmed that a celebrant overseeing a Wedding is not a legal marriage.
- Any claim by the persons named on the booking form against the celebrant in respect of this contract or services therein shall be limited to the value of this contract. Any variations to these terms and conditions shall be agreed in writing by all parties.
- The script and any other materials shared, including but not limited to planning questionnaires or vow guides, remain the intellectual property of the Celebrant and should not be reproduced, circulated or used in any unintended way without the prior permission of the Celebrant.
- The Celebrant will handle all information provided by those associated with the Ceremonies in line with GDPR requirements and will dispose of any materials relating to the Ceremonies in a secure and timely manner. This is with the exception of the Scripts (both working and presentation copies) unless their disposal is specifically requested by the persons who are named on the booking form.